Saturday, January 21, 2012

Colin's 100th Day Celebration Cake

after a crazy day of 2 under-baked cakes, my 5th fail'd souffle cheesecake, an always delicious wing'd-by-me tiramisu, 3 more black sesame cakes, a double batch of green tea swiss meringue buttercream, and lots of rush'n to walk the dog, pack for an overnight trip, and figuring how to safely transport my yummy goods (and lots of butter, eggs & sugar used), Colin's cake was complete, just in time for Pearl to pick me up & drive to NY! hahaha. good thing i finish'd the cardboard monkey a week before.

Baby Colin's 1st Cake: 2 tiers of black sesame cake w/ green tea swiss meringue buttercream top'd w/ the monkey that i design'd for the parents in 2008. (wish i had bot a cake-decorating turn table)

the Happy Parents with Baby Colin & my cakes :)

luckily the cake only mess'd up a little bit from the 250+ miles commute - it tilt'd a lil.

the tiramisu could've used a good dust'n of cocoa to be re-pretty'd up (saran wrap ate the cake!)

my slice of yummy & moist black sesame cake w/ green tea swiss meringue buttercream :)

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