Tuesday, December 27, 2011


May I please have an "Iced Grande No Syrup Soy Unshaken 8-Scoop Matcha Green Tea Latte?

sounds so snobby! HAHAHAHA! but it's the proper Starbucks way of order'n MY DRINK, per the cup-mark'n logistics that's stamp'd into every barista aka Starbucks customer service rep's head...or so that's what Starbucks expects...or what I'd expect since I work'd for Starbucks for 5 yrs & 11 months! i REALLY miss work'n there! i still dream about it!!! waking up during the wee hours to open the store. 6a-2:30p = my favorite shift! high school days - 3p-9:30p weekdays, 6:30a-3p weekends. college days - 6a-10a or later =D
in a less snobby way, i would instead order as an "Iced Grande Soy Green Tea Latte, unshaken, with no syrup & with extra matcha" it's basically just soymilk, ice & 8-scoops of matcha powder in a grande cup - SIMPLE! I most enjoy sip'n up the bitter chunks of matcha (& sugar).

but somehow it's always complicated...98% of the time, the cashier or barista would get it wrong :(

so...i stop'd order'n MY DRINK - my most enjoyable beverage that makes me smile with every sip...i now just order something else, anything else...*sad*
 My uber-delicious DIY Starbucks GRTL is made with real Tazo (Starbucks) Matcha powder that I buy off eBay (3rd bag!) & Silk Very Vanilla soymilk - SIMPLE & DELICIOUS~!!!!! I have no idea what's cheaper - buy'n it from Starbucks or making it myself since the Tazo Matcha costs up to $40/bag (S&H included), but I much prefer making it myself! 

 …Starbucks adds Classic Syrup (previously Melon) to the already sweet drink - the matcha powder is like 70% sugar! Plus the barista shakes the drink up so my precious matcha gets stuck to the sides of the shaker & the drink foams up giving you less for your $, and I don't get the sinking bitter chunks of surprise. it's just fabulous! add'd bonus: the cuppa ice from Au Bon Pain is FREE! LOL! but I do make a food purchase…=P

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